How to Pick Your First Houseplant
By Melissa

This is my MOST requested blog post topic, so without adieu here’s How To Pick Your First Houseplant – including WHERE I buy my plants and some easy plants for beginners! When New Year 2019 rolled in, I declared “I will keep a plant alive this year!” My husband straight up laughed at me. Because…
Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide 2020
By Melissa

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Holiday Gift Guide Time!! I usually break my Gift Guide up into several smaller ones, but this time I’m releasing one massive Guide. I’m covering beauty, foot-ware, hobbies, plants, cooking (duh), tech AND kids, all right here! Let’s dive in! Oh, and last but not least, I…
Recent Posts
How To Make Cold Brew…
By Melissa

I’ve been making Cold Brew at home for so many years it’s just second nature to me. I can eye-ball it all and I end up with a large batch for the week by the time I’m done. BUT because you may still be buying yours in a jug or maybe you’re in that Starbucks drive through too often, let me teach you … [Read More...]
Summer Favorites and a…
By Melissa

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it’s summer AND you’re in quarantine or practicing extreme social distancing. I know this summer isn’t exactly endless vacations, no worries and too many drinks with friends (like we all hoped it would be). That being said, I am so excited to share some of my … [Read More...]
Cookbook Club: June…
By Melissa

Hello friends! I've missed our Treats With a Twist Cookbook Club! So for June we are jumping right back in with... Fresh India by Meera Sodha! Scroll down for how Cookbook Club works and let's get cooking! Here’s how it works: every month I pick a new cookbook (suggestions welcome!) for us to … [Read More...]
My Every Morning Power…
By Melissa

I know it has been forever since I’ve shared a recipe. Between depression, running around with two kids, moving again and now a pandemic, it’s just never felt right. BUT every morning I make the same coffee drink, which I call a Power Collagen Latte, and I’m ready to share the easy recipe with you! … [Read More...]