Remember that scene in Elf when Buddy twirls into his dad’s office saying, “I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it!” ? Well… I totally am and his name is: Blueberry Muffin. Sigh, we belong together and you can send your happy congratulatory gifts to my home address! He’s fluffy and sweet and just right. We’ll be together forever (or at least until the last of him disappears).
I made the blueberry muffins from the Magnolia cookbook and substituted some wheat flour for part of the white and did a bit of Splenda instead of all that sugar. So yum. And I bought frozen blueberries and thawed them instead of fresh, because fresh blueberries are so expensive right now. I knew they’d be delish when I found myself eating spoon-fulls of the batter before putting it into the muffin pan.