I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty exhausted.
Christmas is just around the corner and I feel caught off guard. Presents I had every intention of buying never got purchased. And treats that I’ve had scribbled down of post-it’s as my next brilliant Christmas treat gift never got made and sent out.
So, I apologize…maybe next year.
I promise, your gift was going to be awesome.
Well, now that the last “standard shipping” cutoff is here and gone, I can just say “oh well,” have a latte, and relax.
That is, I certainly tried to have a latte. At Starbucks. I had it all planned out. I had a free drink coupon that was almost expired (you know, because I’m “gold status” and that comes with the occasional free drink…wow what a perk) so I wanted to go redeem it this weekend while Steve was out of town. It would be a special treat just for me, to brighten my day.
I asserted my independence and walked to the Starbucks downtown. I waited in line for over 20 minutes (there was a basketball game going on and because the Starbucks is across from the stadium, everyone was in there, waiting in line to get coffee instead of waiting in the rain in front of the stadium). I listened to the guy behind me tell his entire life story to the stranger behind him and brag about how nice his apartment is in Brooklyn…good for you dude.
I get to the front of the line, showed my proof of amazing loyalty to the cashier, and was then told that they don’t accept the free drink vouchers at this location because they aren’t corporately owned. WHAT?!?! I just waited in line for 20 minutes! I walked there!
So, I walked all the way home, no drink (yes, I’m too stubborn to pay for a drink when I have a perfectly good free drink voucher in my hand). I angrily pulled out my Italian stovetop coffee pot, frother, and extracts and made my own. There, take that Starbucks!
Peppermint Latte (dairy-free!)
1 cup unsweetend almond milk (or milk of your choice), heated
¼ – 1/3 cup espresso, brewed
1/8 tsp. peppermint extract
½ tsp. granulated Stevia
~In your cup, combine the espresso, peppermint, and Stevia. In a separate, deep bowl, add the heated milk. Froth the milk to desired frothiness. Add the frothed milk to your espresso. Enjoy!
For another latte (because who can have just one?), try this one!
Oh yum!
peppermint latte yes please!!! Still can’t believe Christmas is soooo close!
Oh goodness me either!! Less than a week?! It doesn’t feel like Christmas yet!! But…I’m so ready for a little vacation!