Lemon Cream Pie isn’t just dessert, it’s a healthy breakfast now too! My Lemon Cream Pie Oats are one of my most popular recipes, and for good reason. This recipe is gluten-free, super simple, and will start your day off on a healthy note. This is an overnight recipe, resulting in a cold, dessert-flavored breakfast bowl.
Um, so, where did my weekend go?
I had this list. This list of important stuff. And I’m pretty sure the stuff isn’t done. Because somebody stole my weekend.
I had all of these great ideas. I was going to bake, and clean, and organize a few piles of mess, and go shopping for things I can’t afford, and plan the rest of my wedding…
Well, it didn’t really happen for me. I think I went to the gym (it’s across the street, so no excuses there), baked a few things (and had an epic fail too), went to bed at 9:00…yup, that’s about it.
I guess I just had too many elaborate plans? Yes, even just thinking about cleaning and organizing can take a few hours so I think I just overestimated my abilities.
Oh well, there’s always next weekend.
I did, however, eat these amazing oats. Let me tell you, I came back from a workout on Saturday morning (because that long journey to the building is such an epic trek) and was starving!! In the fridge, waiting for me, was a big, inviting bowl of these Lemon Cream Pie Oats.
And holy moly they are to die for! I literally could not stop saying “yummm…” and “oh dear, this is good,” and making weird noises (trust me, I’m usually very stony faced when I eat, never letting someone know if it’s to die for…because I’m just nice like that). Steve just sat and stared at me like I was a mental patient. I couldn’t help it!!
You’ll just have to make them and see for yourself…but you’ve been warned. They’re amazing.
Lemon Cream Pie Oats
(an overnight recipe, makes 1 big breakfast serving)
½ cup old fashioned oats
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
½ cup water
¼ cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp. granulated Stevia
1/8 tsp. almond extract
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
½ tsp. butter extract (optional but important for the flavor)
zest of 1 lemon
METHOD ONE (more volume in finished results, cooked)
~Thoroughly cook your oats with the almond milk and water, either on the stovetop (medium heat, stirring often) or in the microwave ( ½ power, 3-5 minutes, stopping to stir so it doesn’t bubble over).
~Pour the cooked oatmeal into a medium sized bowl. Stir in the yogurt, extracts, Stevia, and lemon zest. Place in the fridge overnight.
~In the morning, fluff the oats, top with a sprinkle more of Stevia (optional) and enjoy!
METHOD TWO (no cooking)
Omit the water from the ingredients list. Combine all other ingredients in a bowl or jar. Cover and let sit in the fridge overnight.
In the morning, stir and enjoy! I like to top mine with sliced almonds, coconut and chia seeds…maybe a little honey too.
Note: I don’t really enjoy lemon desserts that are warm, which is why these oats taste best when cold. Trust me, you’ll feel like you’re eating lemon bars or lemon cream pie for breakfast!
For more overnight oats, try my Key Lime Pie Oats!
For incorporating these into a meal prep routine, read THIS post.
Strike up a conversation: Did you get everything done this weekend that you planned on? How does a bowl of Lemon Cream Pie Oats sound to you? It fixes all my problems (well, it can’t fix them all, but I can pretend it can).
**UPDATE: AUGUST 19, 2018 — This recipe was updated with a new preparation method in addition to the original. Also, new photos. The original photos are the ones at the bottom of the post. Isn’t progress fun?**
yummm i love lemon!
I adore ALL things lemon and ALL things made with almond milk so this is a sure fire hit with me. On Mondays I finish my meal prep for the week so I am excited that I stumbled into this recipe today! That means I can have it in the morning instead of waiting till next week!! Thanks :). OH and I was supposed to finish all if the laundry this weekend but instead I chose to watch a movie with my son Saturday after work and on Sunday after I got home from a work event I got deeply involved in a Wii bowling family challenge! Way better than laundry!
Oh I can’t wait until you try it!!!
And that sounds really similar to how my cleaning got away from me…one RedBox movie and an early bed time later…suddenly my Saturday was gone! Ha, whoops. Then Sunday, I went to a convention instead of my chores. Oh well 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE lemon bars, lemon Nutty Butter ;), lemon cookies, lemon cake, and lemonade pie. Therefore, I LOVE this.
Oh my gosh I can’t wait for you to try this! It’s so lemony and heavenly. Ummm…share the lemon nutty butter!!
I love your bowl and spoon! Where did you get those cuties!!! 😀
Oh and that oatmeal looks so cozy!! I am imagining eating it as I look out on a cold, wet morning… Yet I am nice and toasty in doors 🙂
Sounds lovely!
Lets see, the bowl is Anthropologie and the spoon is HomeGoods …
I’m a hunter when it comes to dishes 🙂
This looks perfect! Just what I was searching for. I realized that I have 2 lemons in my fridge, which will go bad soon, so this is the perfect use for them!!
Perfect!! You’re going to LOVE these!! 🙂
It WAS yummy! Added chia seeds and the juice of half the lemon (I like it tart!). Was a little thick, so next time I’ll add more milk before putting in fridge overnight. But thanks for this!!
Sounds great! This made my day 🙂
Yeah I like them pretty thick but I usually top mine with a bit more almond milk in the morning! Now you’ll have to tackle the other citrus dessert flavors I made!!
Have a great day!
I just read your Lemon Cream Pie oatmeal recipe. Sounds wonderful – huge fan of lemon anything. Can you tell me why you need to cook the oatmeal when similar overnight recipes just have you throw everything into a mason jar?
Sure! If you want to just throw it all in a jar, do just the almond milk and omit the water. I cooked these ahead of time to get more liquid absorbed into them, thus getting a more voluminous breakfast! Totally your choice on how you want to approach it though!
So glad you asked!