[my Spin class takes it outdoors on sunny days]
I know we haven’t checked in with a Fabulously Fit Friday in awhile, so I wanted to make sure to do that this week!
As you’ve probably learned, New Years Resolutions don’t stick far past February, and as we talked about before, setting new goals every 6-8 weeks is the way to go. Always set new goals, reward the ones that have passed, and never “start over”!
I’m sure you’re doing awesome. Or not. In which case, tell me tell me. Either way!
So, I know that it finally got warm and pollen-y enough to call it “Spring” just recently, but its not too early to think about summer!
I’m going out of my comfort zone and trying an 8 week workout challenge, which starts next week [remember when I posted this on Instagram, well it was an opening activity for the challenge!]! The girls who host it, Karena and Katrina, are super fit and toned and tan, so that doesn’t hurt. Want to do it with me?! I already wrangled one of my friends into agreeing to do it with me (and agreeing to go to Australia if we **laugh** win the Grand Prize).
Trust me, I’m not going to be following this program to a T. I decided to get my feet wet with these ladies’ workout style by trying out their workouts for a “normal” week all this week. They’re T O U G H. They’re more intense than my weenie ass is used to.
So, totally going to be modifying everything. And days that are stacked with cardio and weights will probably be divided and I’ll end up choosing one over the other (for personal health purposes).
I think the lesson here, is LISTEN to your body. And know yourself! Are you going to fall down and pass out if you follow a workout to a T? Then DON’T DO IT! It’s just that simple.
Sure, push yourself a little so you can grow and progress, but don’t kill yourself over it.
I know they want me to be prancing around in a bikini after 8 weeks with freedom and abandon, but that’s just not gonna happen. I’m not being negative, I’m just being realistic. And I’m not going to kill myself to get there (been there, done that, ruined my health, still can’t prance in a bikini).
Anyways, who here is thinking about summer?! What are you looking forward to?! Will you do the 8 week Bikini challenge with me (sans bikini, like me)?
Oh and I should probably mention I am getting hard-core into yoga. I go at least twice a week, still hit my Wednesday Spin class because I love my instructor, but I can’t get enough of yoga these days. Love it.
NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with Karena and Katrina or their Tone It Up site or program, I just happen to really want to torture myself for 8 weeks with them! And I want to win the prize. And I wouldn’t mind if they sent me some of their protein powder Perfect Fit because that stuff rocks! Just sayin.
fun! good luck – i’d join ya but i’m just more walking for workouts these days! 😉
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…William’s Newborn Pictures
Woo hoo!!! Girl you are fricking AWESOME! And I’m so loving that you’re loving yoga so much now! Can’t wait to practice some poses with you at Blend! 😀
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