Hello April! And no, I don’t mean TMNT‘s April. Get it? Got it? Good.
Although I never participate in April Fool’s Day, I do enjoy finding people’s clever online pranks. I love a good satire or hoax from a company I shop from. Did you see any good ones yesterday?
One of my favorites was Irvin’s How to Boil Water. So hilarious. Seriously, Faded Glory? Bakers twine…turning the knob the wrong way…dying.
I also loved shopping and stumbling upon Tiek’s Brasieks because I seriously avoid toe cleavage like the plague. And I loved Lululemon’s Spray-On Yoga Pants…perhaps a nod to their see-through yoga pants? Love it.
Ok. So I haven’t done a summary of the Treats I’ve made for you in a long time because I haven’t posted a Fabulously Fit Friday in awhile. Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I just haven’t figured out the time or spark of inspiration there…so yeah I’m sorry. BUT I have been going to yoga a ton and walking a ton (while reading books because I’m cool like that). [side note – book review coming soon]
SO, we’re going to talk about some treats right now! Mmmkay? Yeah. Good stuff.
First, I made PB & J Kit Kat Bars! Yeah I did!
Then I made these Peanut Butter Chunk Oatmeal Bars that are loaded with chocolate and raisins and I totally crumbled them all over ice cream (you may not have known that).
Peanut Butter Banana Cornmeal Wafflewich? Don’t mind if I do!
Thick and Creamy Iced Coffee! Seriously, the BEST iced coffee I’ve ever made! The banana and dates naturally sweeten it (and NO it doesn’t taste like banana at all).
How about some Quince Walnut Ice Cream that doesn’t even need an ice cream maker! Gah, totally drooling just thinking about it!
Then I made some Spicy Sweet Honey BBQ Chex Mix that is gluten free…and I bragged about my Bracket before it was quickly flushed down the toilet.
Let’s all sit around and eat the best ever Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Ok?
Top it all off with a Blueberry Crispie Cereal Bar and I’d say March was a killer good month, no?
Hey, we also learned how to naturally and easily care for our cutting boards and wooden spoons too! High five!
There you have it! Thanks for tagging along.
I hope that April showers don’t really come because I can’t take this crazy weather anymore. You may see a hiatus from me as I pack up and move to a resort in Hawaii if it gets any worse here.
These all look too good. my goodness…. I am a sweet freak and YUM those PG+J Kit kat bars.. what?
If you’re going to Hawaii, I’m stowing away in your suitcase! Eff this rain! Let’s go sit on the beach and sip pretty things from coconuts! 😉
Omg, the how to boil water post is KILLING ME!! “I totally LOVE it when I get comments telling me how the recipe doesn’t work…especially when the reader who tried it substituted different ingredients. Those are the best comments ever.” <- Bahahaha!
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your posts always make me so.darn.hungry!
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