Hey all! So this is the final post for the Fall Fitness Challenge updates I’m going to do because the challenge is over as of this weekend! It’s been so fun having something new to talk about on Fabulously Fit Friday! Let’s do this.
First of all…Happy…last day of October! Happy Halloween! Happy day that we scare the crap out of each other, ensuring our kids won’t sleep for weeks because of terror and a sugar high that won’t quit, and we gut goards and sexify every single thing we can think of. Yes! Happy day!
It’s the end of the 8 week Frisky Fall Challenge. I can’t believe it’s already over!
- Thank you to the brands that sent me goodies! Quest, Vega and Sizzlefish sent me yummy food! And Fabletics sent me some killer leggings and a sports bra and slinky top that I love. I wore the leggings here and then here and I get SO many compliments on them! I wore the sports bra to yoga once but I kinda almost fell out over the top of it and flashed the whole class…so I’ll be choosing moments to wear that one a little more carefully (ie home workouts).
- Thank you to my partner in toning crime, Rachel. You’ve done the last two challenges with me and it’s made them the most fun I’ve ever had with fitness. We may be many many miles apart, but knowing you’re dying after the same toning video I did that day just makes me so happy. We’re two peas in a pod. Actually, we’re peas and carrots. Legit.
- I have to ask YOU (my readers!!!) have you ever tried Kayla Itsines’s Bikini Body Workout series? If you’re a workout junkie on IG like me, her stuff is probably always in your feed (those crazy 12 week transformations!). Have you tried her workouts? Is it worth it? Should I do it?!
- There are a few really special ladies in the Tone It Up community that have been so supportive of me during these 8 weeks. You know who you are and thank you. All of your comments on my posts in the community, everyone who tried my Protein Pancakes, and those of you who stare at my IG pictures, thank you. It really means a lot to me!
- I’m going to keep going! I am going to keep attending more and more yoga classes and following TIU toning videos in the mornings and using the TIU nutrition guide. I’ll keep posting fitness related photos to my TIU instagram and treats and other life stuffs to my main insta.
I am SO excited to treat myself to a new yoga mat! What would you treat yourself to after a big challenge like this?!
I definitely should treat myself to a new hair color and cut (because I haven’t colored since my wedding over a year ago and I miss it) buuuutttt it’s almost Christmas season and I need to spend all of my money on gifts. You’re welcome. But, my Sephora cart is full and it’s almost time for the VIB sale and I am SO ready.
Cheers! Love ya! [I couldn’t decide how to end this post, and since I’m the queen of walking away without saying goodbye…I figured this was a nice compromise. Sorry.]
Note: this is not a sponsored post. Links are to sites so you can see what the heck I’m talking about, and then there’s a link to a yoga mat I want on Amazon but I get a kickback from Amazon, but that’s not why I chose that mat. All legit, mmkay?
you got this!! keep going friend you are awesome