I’m Pregnant!!!
I can’t believe it’s my time to get to announce this, but it’s finally here!
I’ve been writing this post over and over again in my head, to be honest with you, for three years now! No, I’m not a magical elephant and haven’t been pregnant for that long, but my life and health have revolved around this moment for that long.
I’ve decided I’ll keep it brief and somewhat vague, but I’ll leave things open to you. If you ever want to know more details or have questions or whatnot, you can email me anytime and I’ll be 100% frank with you.
I know that one of the most comforting things about the internet is that it brings people together. It lets us all relate to one another. We find people that are going through what we’ve been going through, when we thought we were all alone. And because I am part of this blog world, I am an open book for you if you want it.
Back to baby!
My husband and I are so overjoyed! We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I spent many an evening crying, wondering if I would ever get my shot.
To my closest friends, I was always the one who could confidently answer, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” with “A mom!” straight away. In my mind, I didn’t need backups, because every ounce of me knew I’d be a mom.
Until things weren’t working out like I’d planned…
So I want you to know that I’ve been there. I’ve been deeply depressed because I thought I’d have to find a new identity for my life. I’ve been sitting in doctors offices for years on end with no answers. I’ve tried every fitness trend and eating craze that centered around fertility and hormone balance. I’ve been sick past all recognition, my head spinning and not knowing up from down on a round of Clomid. I’ve peed on hundreds of dollars worth of ovulation sticks to find out it didn’t work. I’ve put myself through it again with Letrozole only to be left with the same answer. I’ve begged to go through it all over again just for the chance of making it work. I’ve fired doctors who didn’t believe in me. I’ve had friends get married and pregnant and have babies, and I sat there and smiled. I’ve had friends accidentally get pregnant, and I sat in the car and sobbed, after telling them a genuine congratulations to their faces. I’ve gained 20 or more pounds in 2 months while taking hormones. I’ve gone from loving my body to not recognizing myself when I look in the mirror, and literally not being able to fit into a single thing I owned. I’ve worked out 5-6 days a week with discipline and vigor only to gain weight at a scary pace. I’ve gone through Estrogen treatments. I’ve seen smiley faces on sticks and a beautiful pink + sign that brought me to my first happy tears in way too long.
Kitchen helper, coming soon!
Through it all I’ve had my amazing husband. I feel so lucky to have found a partner that believes in me so deeply, and believed in our hope for family. And still loves me when I’m a total B one second and sobbing the next.
I’ve also learned to lean on my close friends and parents. I’ve kept very private, not feeling strength in revealing my saddest moments, and thus the majority of my family has no idea what we’ve been through. And I’m ok with that. I’m also ok with them knowing. I just didn’t know how to talk about it.
Point is, we’re overjoyed! My little Treats sidekick will be here late November, and I couldn’t be happier!
I’d love to keep you updated! I think I’ll just do a few posts. I’ll update you on how my First Trimester went and how things go in the future, along with any fun products I fall in love with. PLEASE tell me what YOU want to hear about.
Thank you for all of your love and support over the years! Sweeter things are to come!
PS check out this post and tell me you can’t tell!
Love you 🙂
Kait @ ChickadeeSays recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: SunBasket Review (and Giveaway!)
Spoiled babies are the sweetest!! Yay!! Love you girl!
I love you. That is all. Actually that’s not all…I just don’t want to get ridiculously sappy on here. Soo…..prepare for text bombardment! 😉
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli recently posted…Two Word Tuesday
Lordy! I love YOU! Thank you for all of your happiness for me 🙂
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…U-City Memorial Day 5K
LOVE you!!! Thank you girl! Secret is finally out, we can all exhale 🙂
Oh girl!!! I am soooo excited for you! I am so sorry for the journey you’ve gone through! Congrats! Can’t wait to see pictures of that growing bump!!!!
Thank you thank you Holly!!! Love!!
I am so happy for you Melissa! I can totally relate! Sounds like we will only be a month apart! Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!
Thank you Victoria! It’s so good to hear from you! I’m sorry you had to go through what I went through, but I just LOVE seeing your pregnant happy face on my FB feed!!
Ahhhh congrats Melissa!!!! That’s so, so exciting and I’m so happy for you guys!!
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles recently posted…Summer Bucket List.
Thank you Sam!! You know how long this has been rolling so I couldn’t be happier at this moment!
Now this is one treat worth celebrating, over and over!! YEA!! Congratulations.
Kristen @ A Mind Full Mom recently posted…Chicken Quinoa Caccitore for the Slow Cooker {Gluten-Free}
Thank you Kristen!!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and your soon to be kitchen helper 🙂
Nutmeg Nanny recently posted…Mushroom Herb Goat Cheese Frittata
Awe thank you!! I couldn’t be more overjoyed to get a little helper! (in teeny tiny clothes!)
While I can only imagine how hard it was for you over the past years and to write parts of this post, I so loved reading it because of the amazing outcome. I’m so, so happy for you and your husband. You’re going to be great parents.
Thank you so much Brittany for your kind words and years of support (I always see your name pop up on my Instagram)!
Congratulations Melissa! I have a few friends who are going through hormone and fertility treatments and it breaks my heart to see them discouraged when it doesn’t work. But, just like you, they are determined and I do believe that eventually their hope will bring them to the same happy moments that you have just experienced. You’re going to be a wonderful mother. 🙂
Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg recently posted…Cinnamon Raisin Granola
Erin! I’m so glad you wrote this to me (I teared up as I read it!) because it means so much to me. I knew I had to say something when I revealed my pregnancy, because I was always the one feeling left behind and like everyone else was just very lucky. I didn’t want to make anybody feel that way, and I’m so glad you can be so encouraging to your friends that are going through what I went through (and I know seeing results like mine adds a tiny glimmer of hope). Thank you so much for your kind words.
I’m so incredibly happy for you!! I’m due in October so we’re prego twins, haha. Praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy – it’s like Christmas times 1,000 isn’t it?!?!
Kelly @ Mostly Homemade Mom recently posted…Mocha Cappuccino Cooler
OMG Kelly! That’s so exciting! I’ll have to stalk your blog and watch your belly grow 😉 This is definitely a blown-away version of Christmas! We couldn’t be happier.
AH you moved from Fay?! I live in Little Rock!!! We are considering a move to NWA next year!!! I literally just stumbled across your blog. Congratulations on your little blessing!!! How exciting, I know you are just OVER THE MOON!! I can’t wait to hear more about your first trimester 🙂
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Pregnancy: Week 19
Hi Sarah!! So glad you found me! And thank you for your sweet words! I can’t wait to update everyone on my First Tri! I lived in NWA for 14 years before we moved to the Memphis area 3 years ago. I LOVE that area more than anything and still consider it home. We hope to move back someday (we lived in Fayetteville, where I grew up, but we’ll more than likely aim for Bentonville, where his family lives).
YAY!! Congratulations Melissa!! SO excited for you and your hubby!! I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. I have two kiddos so if you need any help or advice I am here for you. 😉
Cyndi – My Kitchen Craze recently posted…Italian Pasta Salad
Thank you so much Cyndi! I’ll definitely take you up on that 🙂
you know i love this and so so happy! Can’t wait to follow you on your journey to mamahood!
Lindsay! Thank you!! xoxo
So so happy for you! I can’t wait to hear all the details until November!
shelly (cookies and cups) recently posted…Our Trip to Universal Orlando
Thank you Shelly!!
Well this certainly explains why you didn’t want a drink that night at Blend. Ha.
Congratulations. It’s wonderful news, and I’m happy for you.
Love the spoons.
Haha! I know!! It was hard to keep inside, especially since I was already almost 3 months!! Thanks girly!
I’m so far behind in congratulating you I’m embarrassed… but CONGRATS!!! You are going to be an amazing mamma.
As an act of charity, I’ll be sure to drink your share of wine for the next few months. 😉
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Vegan Spinach Pesto with Lentils [Recipe]
Thank you love!! Drink lots of yummy wine for me! (and send me some when I’m sleep deprived in December)