It’s time for another Fabulously Fit Friday! This time, I’m talking Fall Fitness, specifically the fall fitness challenge I’ve gotten myself into!
Haaaaaaappy Friday!
So, I am currently 30 weeks pregnant, almost 31, BUT this isn’t a “prenatal workouts” only thing, just to preface.
Here’s what I’ve been up to lately!
The Tone It Up challenge for fall, Fit For Fall, has begun! I do their challenges every season and I really love them. They have such a wonderful, supportive community and the workouts really are fun.
This was week 1 of the 8-week challenge (you can still join in!). All of the cardio done in this challenge (goal is 100 miles) actually donates money towards charity because I am using (and everyone in the TIU community is using) the Charity Miles app. If you aren’t already using it, you should! You basically turn it on before every walk or run and it tracks your distance, and then at the end of your workout it donates money to your designated charity! How cool is that?!
The workouts this week included shoulder toning, all over toning, yoga, cardio…
I skipped the HIIT workouts because they were designated on days that I was going to my Body Pump class, and they highly encourage you to just go to the classes you love. That, and I can’t do HIIT easily because bouncing around with this giant medicine ball stuck to my front (and back) is just too hard now.
My goal is to complete 100 miles of cardio (walking, jogging, elliptical, etc) after this 8 weeks, and be stronger, happier and ready to give birth and bounce back! That seems like a huge goal now, but I really want to do it!
I’m still going to Body Pump, ideally twice a week. Also, I’ve been going to yoga most Fridays and a prenatal yoga class on most Sundays too! Namaste.
I’ve been using the Vega Protein & Greens powder for my pancakes lately and loving it! I also have been using the Vega One protein powder in the flavor Coconut Almond, which I think is my favorite.
I’m honestly not strict in any way with my food, letting myself eat whatever comes to mind when I’m hungry (which happens all the time now since my stomach can hold very little now, so I’m hungry really quickly after eating). This being said, I’m a pretty healthy person as it is. I do salads for most of my meals because I truly love them, and now most of my snacks are apples and cheese (I’ve never eaten so many apples in my life!).
I’m currently loving the Nature Valley protein bars and my Quest Bars too when I’m stuck in the car and starving or when I need dessert but there’s no cake around (ie every night).
Ok I need help here! Music! I’ve been listening to the Of Monsters and Men station on Pandora when I’m up at the crack of dawn walking (because it doesn’t jar me awake), and the Tone It UP: Fit For Fall playlist on Spotify in the afternoons during my workouts.
Do you have any heart-pounding music you use? I need suggestions.
That’s about it for this week! I’m on my way to my baby shower for the weekend! What are you doing for fall fitness?
Note: this is not a sponsored post.
30 weeks! OMG. Congrats! Can’t believe how fast time flies 🙂
Trevor E recently posted…The Internet and Introversion
Thank you Trevor! It’s really blowing my mind too!