I can’t believe it’s been over 2 months since our last baby update! So here’s Life With Canaan: 6 Months In!
No, we didn’t have a ½ birthday party. It snuck up on us! I don’t know how people have the right mind to plan a birthday party in that little time!
Anyways. So here’s how things are going…
Canaan is probably the most adorable nugget I’ve ever seen. He just lights up over the tiniest things and I love that!
As we are getting ready to go on a car ride and he’s in the back seat, he flashes this huge smile as the door shuts. It’s adorable. Here we go!
He has this walker he L-O-V-E-S to run around the house in, and when he’s done he just stops and spreads his arms out wide. Pick me up please!
So yes, he is moving like crazy. Is he crawling yet? Not quite. But he pulls himself up on all fours and flings himself around. He is sooooo close. My husband is putting plug protectors in our outlets as I type.
He is so stinking cute though. He yells “hiiiiiiiii” when he hears my husband walking down the hallway! He laughs so hard when you blow raspberries on his tummy and feet. And he blows raspberries on my cheeks and then tries to suck SO hard to give me kisses. And he stops everything the second he hears the ABCs being sung.
He also has TWO teeth already! I know what you’re thinking, and yes, thank you for your sympathy. My boobs need it. He definitely thinks it’s hilarious when I tell him that he’s hurting me. Trouble maker.
BUT I’ll admit, I feel like a total failure. Like, ugly-cry failure thoughts really hit me this last week. This child will not take a bottle (something I’ve pretty much decided I’ll be ok with because eventually he’ll be drinking water from cups and this will be nothing to stress about) and he gags every time I feed him food. It blows my mind. He loves to reach into my bowls and tries to drink from my cups, but the second real food passes through his lips, he makes this gagging face! He hates it. I won’t give up, because clearly there’s never been a kid that just decides he’ll never eat, and I know he’s only 6 months old, but it’s still hard to feel like I’m failing in the food department so far.
And I’ve been an emotional wreck in general. I cry when I’m nursing him at night, just unable to comprehend how adorable he is and so sad that this phase won’t last much longer. This adorable blue-eyed, blonde haired boy loves to hold my fingers and study my face when he eats. He has the sweetest, softest skin and loves to pinch me and smile at me. I want to soak in these moments. And I know they are slipping away because he sleeps through the night (a good thing, but totally eliminates special late-night moments together) and food is being placed in front of him. He’s no longer my gummy bear baby and his clothes keep moving up in size.
In other, happier news, we have been to TWO weddings already. The first one he was awesome and so happy. He was so excited by all of the music and lights and was the happiest kid ever until we left. The second one, he definitely was over it. He wanted to go to bed, he cried and he wouldn’t let anybody else hold him. I definitely got my arm workout! And he reinforced that he will tolerate a road trip up to 5 hours, and then he’s done. We definitely need to find cheap flights everywhere else we decide to go.
We are still doing Stroller Strides workouts 3 times a week together. It is getting terribly hot, so I use a stroller fan, but thank goodness we are moving to indoor workouts soon! Some days these workouts are the only time we get out of the house and socialize, so I am SO thankful for this group of mamas. Plus, I feel like I’m finally looking pretty darn good again, so that’s a bonus.
Ok, so we have pretty much grown out of everything! We love and depend on our Baby Einstein walker, our Sophie the Giraffe, our BOB stroller and stroller fan, Ergo carrier and the adorable clothes my mom keeps finding at Zara! I’ve been buying Dr. Seuss books and reading them to him everyday, knowing rhyming words really help babies develop reading comprehension. AND I bought a cheapo plastic pool and he acts like it’s the greatest thing in the world. This kid LOVES water.
What are your 6 month and beyond must-haves for babies? Are there any products you’ve LOVED and think I’d adore too?
If you missed our last baby update, you can read that here.
And in case you hadn’t caught it in my Snapchat (mking 3000), his name is pronounced [kay-nin].
I hope the little one is eating a little better these days. If not, have no fear, he’ll get the hang of it soon enough. Just remember tomorrow is another day. At least that’s what I tell myself when we have rough moments. Ave doesn’t adore the bottle either, although she will take it eventually when she gets hungry enough. I also still end up nursing her afterwards because she just wants the real thing, so I imagine food will be interesting when we get there. Right now, I’m relishing in the smiles and those morning wake ups when she’s so excited to see me and start the day.
Hang in there momma and thanks for all the great baby tips. I need to look into that walker.
I hope the little one is eating a little better these days. If not, have no fear, he’ll get the hang of it soon enough. Just remember tomorrow is another day. At least that’s what I tell myself when we have rough moments. Ave doesn’t adore the bottle either, although she will take it eventually when she gets hungry enough. I also still end up nursing her afterwards because she just wants the real thing, so I imagine food will be interesting when we get there. Right now, I’m relishing in the smiles and those morning wake ups when she’s so excited to see me and start the day.
Hang in there momma and thanks for all the great baby tips. I need to look into that walker.
P.S. You are doing a fantastic job!!
Thank you Meg 🙂 I appreciate it. It’s crazy the things that suddenly become all-encompassing to us once we become moms! Who knew bottles and cups and a bowl of mashed avocado would bring me to tears. Haha. But we are slowly getting better. He now at least sucks on the food before spitting it or gagging it out (he wants it SO badly, or else I wouldn’t even be trying!) and I have totally decided that we will just be a no bottle babe and go straight to cups.
Definitely soak in ALL of those adorable smiles! They’re the best!
Such a sweet update! I am going through the same things with my THIRD child, knowing that it is my last baby. It makes me sad. Being a mother is TOUGH stuff! We have to deal with so many emotions and hormones but I can ASSURE you that you are not a failure. We are learning the most we can to take care of these little human beings. They depend on us COMPLETELY and sometimes that is the most overwhelming thing for me, knowing that perhaps I could fail and not do the best, but the fact is that we have tomorrow to fix or repair or try something new. Hang in there! You are welcome to ask me any questions! I agree with the bottle issue. My third daughter did not take a bottle and went straight to a sippy cup. Even that can take several but when the time comes MAM products are awesome and the Lolicup is super cool. I also started on food packets, helping baby with the suction and trying first foods. Canaan is probably just eager to try food but not quite ready. His gag reflex is obviously too active. 😉 He’ll get there. Rice teething crackers are amazing too.
Thank you for this heartfelt comment. It means so much to me! I am definitely looking up those sippy cup options right now! I’ll try just about anything. Now I have mentally thrown the towel in on bottles (though the last few days he has been SO excited to drink water out of his bottle…so strange because he wouldn’t let me even put it in his hands with milk in it!) so the sippy cup adventure is next. Hopefully because he LOVES pulling my water bottles into his mouth this will be a lot more natural for him?? Definitely going to try the rice biscuits too bc I can tell that he WANTS to try food, he just immediately gags it out. Lordy. Thanks mama!