My freshly juiced Flu Shots are so simple and make for an ultimate morning routine. Fend off those germs and wall up your immune system with all natural fruits, roots and ACV. You’ll never regret adding a bit more natural healing into your day.
I’m trying to save you.
You’re welcome.
Usually our house is a safe zone. I have immunity of steel, Canaan got 2 flu shots this year…
My husband took a major hit.
And he passed it on to my mother…
I’m sure this is sounding familiar to you. I’ve heard a LOT of people have gotten the flu this year. A crazy, 24-48 hour flu that hits you like a train. I’m sorry.
I totally fear getting sick. I do. But I fear shots more. Truth.
So I am trying to help you out here. With freshly juiced Flu Shots. Yup, kitchen miracles here.
I’m not a regular juicer. I’m recreational at best. But if you keep your juicer on the counter or at the ready, a quick morning Flu Shot is just seconds away. Seriously, you just throw a few things into your juicer, glug glug, and you’re done.
You could also throw everything into a Vitamix and then strain it for the juice. That works too!
I think it’s an amazing thing to incorporate into your morning routine! Plus, you can’t go wrong with the ingredients…
We have tangerine juice because I love the heavy sweetness from tangerines. We have a tart grapefruit because they are an antioxidant powerhouse. Turmeric is my wonderfood miracle maker. Ginger is rad for the digestion. And apple cider vinegar whips your gut into shape along with setting your metabolism on fire and giving you locks of shiny badass hair.
Can you tell I love naturally healing ingredients?!
I just throw all of the fruits and roots into the juicer, add a splash of ACV into my cup and glug it down.
A word about juice: you can make some in advance, but don’t go overboard. You should generally only keep fresh juice for 3 days in the fridge, so if you can make a portion fresh each time, that’s really the way to go.
Last but not least, some optional add-ins. Yeah yeah yeah I know garlic is this almighty flu-fighter and super shooter. But I can’t do it. If you can add a garlic clove to your juice and chug it like a champ, then more power to ya.
Honey is what you add if the bitter grapefruit is just too much for you. It really isn’t overpowering (in my mind) but a little honey never hurts. Just keep it local so it is adding to your anti-allergens for the day. Or add a bit of bee pollen. All good things.
I think taking a Flu Shot in juice form is such an easy thing to add to your morning routine. I love the idea of taking one or sipping one slowly after your morning yoga…if that’s your thang. Then coffee, of course. Always coffee.
Recipe by: Melissa @ Treats With a Twist
Serves 2
1 grapefruit
2 tangerines (or 1 navel orange)
1 inch fresh turmeric
1 ½ inches fresh ginger
2 Tbs. unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Optional: bee pollen, local honey, garlic cloves
Prep: Cut the rind off of your citrus. Peel your turmeric and ginger.
Juice the citrus on “low” and the roots on “high.”
Portion the juice into two cups. Add 1 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar to each cup. Drink, be well, enjoy!
If you’re using the optional ingredients, add ¼ tsp. – ½ tsp. bee pollen to each glass and/or a drizzle of honey. You can also be brave and add a garlic clove per serving into the juicer too. It’s potent, but it’s considered one of the best flu-fighters and supposedly lowers your blood pressure too!
To print this recipe, just copy and paste it into a blank document on your computer, then print! We’re going old school, and I kinda like it!
I’m not a doctor, so don’t sue me for encouraging you to drink juice. I’m only trying to help. If you love turmeric, you’ll love how I put it in coffee AND in oats!
I used Trader Joe’s unfiltered apple cider vinegar, but I love Bragg’s too! As long as it has “the mother,” you’re good to go.
We need these flu shots at our house! It’s been a rough winter of sickness!
Jessica @ A Kitchen Addiction recently posted…Grapefruit Yogurt Coffee Cake
Thanks Jessica! Stay well!
Locks of shiny badass hair, a metabolism boost, and a germ-buster, too?! Sign me up! This looks super tasty, and who could argue with all the goodness it brings! Yum!
Shiny badass hair is the best, right?!
def needed this cold and flu season! love it