Time is flying and it's already time for another big baby update! It's Life With Canaan: 10 Months In already! So, let's chat, I'll spill my guts and then I'll tell you about some baby stuffs I'm loving right now. If you are just here for the food, then that's cool too (I have some recipes linked at the bottom)! You wouldn’t think things could change so much in just a few weeks, but they … [Read more...]
Life With Canaan 8 Months In
It's time for another baby update, this time we are 8 months in! If babies aren't your thing, then feel free to keep scrolling down until you hit food. Cheers! Let's do this! I feel like a broken record, but how could I possibly have an 8 month old child already?! Blows my mind! Ok, so where did we leave off? Right, my child gags at food. Success! One day, just a couple weeks … [Read more...]
Life With Canaan: 6 Months In
I can't believe it's been over 2 months since our last baby update! So here's Life With Canaan: 6 Months In! No, we didn’t have a ½ birthday party. It snuck up on us! I don’t know how people have the right mind to plan a birthday party in that little time! Anyways. So here’s how things are going… Canaan is probably the most adorable nugget I’ve ever seen. He just lights up over … [Read more...]
Life With Canaan: 10 Weeks In
TEN weeks?! That couldn’t be right… Yup, did the math, Monday will be 10 weeks. Sigh. Cry. {via} Ok so here's an update on our little family. My little man cub just astounds me. He blows my mind. His little smile just makes my heart burst. How can he be so dang cute?! How can I possibly sleep at night without seeing his little face and giving him kisses?? Well… Canaan sleeps … [Read more...]
Life With Canaan: 5 Weeks In
Ready for a big ol baby and mommy update? We're 5 weeks in and I can't wait to tell you everything! I have a ton of pictures and favorite things for you! FIVE weeks?! I can’t believe it! I have a feeling I’ll be starting every baby update post like that! Ok, so where did the 5 weeks go? We brought him home, had newborn/Christmas photos done, celebrated Christmas with all of my family … [Read more...]